Unesco Riela – reviving identities through language and art making



City of Homes – reviving identities through language and art making Beetroots Collective CIC – Marta Adamowicz & Robert Motyka Wednesday 9 October 10:30-11 :00am

Marta Adamowicz and Robert Motyka will give an interactive talk about their audiovisual artwork, City of Homes, which is an outcome of their residency, in which they worked closely with Polish communities in Edinburgh, as part of Culture Collective. Using sound, interviews, animation, collage, and video projection, the work explores and presents lived experiences of migration and complex notions of belonging while questioning the link between the geography of place and the concept of home. (by Rachael Disbury, Director, Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival).

Beetroots Collective is a Community Interest Company based in Edinburgh. Leading award-winning multimedia artists – Marta Adamowicz and Robert Motyka, provide socially engaged participatory art projects working with the underrepresented, diverse communities in Scotland.

They use visual art and sound to engage community groups of all ages and backgrounds around social issues. They explore themes spanning migration, nature, mythology, belonging, sustainability and home through participatory art.

Pol.ON – pierwiastek RADIOaktywny – wywiad


Marta Adamowicz i Robert Motyka są gośćmi dzisiejszego programu. W sercu gra im szeroko rozumiana sztuka.
Marta jest artystką multidyscyplinarną zajmującą się głównie tematyką społecznościową. Robert z kolei ma na swoim koncie wieloletnie doświadczenie w branży kreatywnej – dla niego działalność społecznościowa jest bardzo ważna.
W dzisiejszej audycji porozmawiamy o tym skąd wzięło się zamiłowanie do sztuki oraz o tym co sprawiło, że oboje postanowili stworzyć organizację Beetroors Collective.
Radio Saltire: https://www.radiosaltire.com/marzena-ryszard

Tydzień Polski – 20 lat wolności


Tydzień Polski – Festiwal wolności w Edynburgu


Alchemy Film & Arts – interview with Marta Adamowicz


Edinburgh Evening News – Hundreds gather on traffic island to watch active travel inspired projection show


Watch as hundreds marvel at stunning projection show at neglected traffic island in Edinburgh’s Southside
By Neil Johnstone

The unique projection showcased the work of local artists in the community

Hundreds gathered in Edinburgh’s Southside to marvel at a unique projection show inspired by active travel.

Projected on the walls at the junction of West Crosscauseway and Buccleuch Street, the immersive show, titled ‘Our Streets,’ showcased local artwork promoting sustainable transport and walking, featured an alluring soundscape and original music by a local singer songwriter.

More than 200 people attended the spectacular community event hosted by the Causey Development Trust and Sustrans – where the large crowd was wowed by the animated graphics produced by award-winning artists Robert Motyka and the Beetroots Collective team. The show, which was played four times by popular demand, was accompanied by a soundscape designed by Marta Adamowicz and an original song ‘Our Streets’ by local musician Dan Abrahams.

Cycling groups Critical Mass and Infra Sisters later joined the event in style, pedalling in unison with bikes decorated in fairy lights as they made their grand entrance at the Causey to enjoy the final viewing of the evening.

Projection artist, Robert Motyka said: “The project was about active travel and reclaiming public spaces – during workshops we asked people what is their favourite form of active travel, about their favourite places in Edinburgh and also asked how they feel about the infrastructure in the city.”

He added: “It was just fantastic to see so many people turn up, despite the cold and wind, to enjoy the Our Streets event. Not only that, but to have both Critical Mass and the Infra Sisters finish up their rides at our event – it was an honour, and goes to show that what The Causey is trying to do resonates with people across our local community and across the city.”

Whilst a ‘neglected’ traffic island in Edinburgh’s Southside may seem like the unlikely venue for a state-of the-art lighting exhibition – local group, the Causey Development Trust, have been working hard for nearly two decades to transform the urban space into a safer, more welcoming space for the community.

The group’s plans for the area include reducing vehicular traffic in street, widening pavements, planting additional trees, the introduction of a zebra crossing and to host more creative events for the community.
Sarah Drummond, chair of the Causey Development Trust, said: “We’ve been working for quite a long time to transform this space into a place for people that prioritises active travel and reclaim space for pedestrians. But alongside that we really want to promote a place for community. We are very lucky that over the last 17 years we have garnered huge local support and many of our steering group members are artists who have engaged with local groups to create a fantastic projection event.
“‘Our Streets’ is inspired by active travel and being a pedestrian in Edinburgh. It’s been an amazing turnout – I think coming together really resonates with people where they can enjoy something creative and artistic like this and the fact it has been created by locals just adds to that. There is also a real desire to create spaces that prioritise people first rather than traffic.”

LINK: https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/watch-as-hundreds-marvel-at-stunning-projection-show-in-edinburghs-southside-at-neglected-traffic-island-4558546

The Edinburgh Reporter – InfraSisters ride calls in at the Causey


© 2024 Martin McAdam

By Phyllis Stephen

At The Causey on Friday night Beetroots Collective showed their latest community art project – Our Streets. And InfraSisters ended their cycle ride at The Causey to see the projections for themselves. The two organisations enjoy a similarity of purpose and there is a great deal of crossover between them.

The multimedia project at the Causey is about reclaiming urban spaces for pedestrians to use and artists – Marta Adamowicz and Robert Motyka (Beetroots Collective CIC) – in association with Causey Development Trust and Sustrans worked with the local community to create the outdoor projections on Friday.

InfraSisters call upon the government and the council to provide safer streets for women and girls cycling after dark.

This is the street at West Crosscauseway and the traffic island which The Causey would like to transform into an area which prioritises people. It is a 17-year-long project which has come to mean “sit oots” every Saturday when coffee and cake are on offer, and may yet become the attractive place for people that the community organisation envisages.

LINK: https://theedinburghreporter.co.uk/2024/03/infrasisters-ride-calls-in-at-the-causey/


Emito.net – Edynburg: Polska kraina wycinanek. Pokaz filmu


Dwoje polskich artystów z Edynburga – Marta Adamowicz i Robert Motyka od jesieni 2022 prowadzili szereg warsztatów skierowanych do polskiej społeczności. Ich tematyka została zainspirowana słowiańskim folklorem, tradycjami, mitami i legendami. Teraz artyści i uczestnicy warsztatów zapraszają na prezentację efektów swej wielomiesięcznej pracy.

16 czerwca o godz. 18:30 w Southside Community Centre w Edynburgu odbędzie się premierowy pokaz filmu pod tytułem „Kraina. The Land on the Edge”. To krótka animacja ze ścieżką dźwiękową skomponowaną przez chór DAVNO, wykonujący tradycyjne pieśni z Europy Wschodniej. Pokazowi filmu będzie towarzyszyć wystawa wycinankowych kolaży i ozdób.

Miasto Domów

Prezentacja filmu to efekt projektu „Miasto Domów”, podczas którego Marta Adamowicz i Robert Motyka zaprosili jego uczestników do głębszej refleksji nad znaczeniami słowa „dom”. Punktem wyjścia były korzenie kulturowe i ich miejsce w życiu współczesnych Europejczyków.

Podczas spotkań uczestnicy uczyli się też tradycyjnych technik wycinanek z papieru. Powstałe w ten sposób prace zostały później zanimowane i w połączeniu z muzyką zespołu DAVNO złożyły się na film.

Polscy artyści w Edynburgu

Wydarzenie jest częścią trzydniowego Festiwalu Emigracji zorganizowanego przez art27scotland. 17 czerwca o 12:00 organizatorzy zapraszają na bezpłatny warsztat wycinanek prowadzony przez Martę Adamowicz. Odbędzie się w Southside Community Centre w Edynburgu.

LINK: https://www.emito.net/artykuly/edynburg_polska_kraina_wycinanek_pokaz_filmu_2443338.html